Do you need an RV that has additional storage space? Then you’ll want to check out toy haulers. Toy haulers are a type of towable RV that have a cargo space at the rear of the trailer to allow you to store all kinds of items, from powersports “toys” to bicycles and other outdoor gear. As your California toy hauler sales experts, we’ve rounded up some of the most common uses that people have for toy haulers.
Carrying Outdoor Equipment
No matter what type of outdoor exploration you like to do, a toy hauler can help you carry all the items for it without cluttering up the main living space of the trailer. Fishing gear, kayaks, canoes, hiking equipment, rope-climbing gear, off-road bikes, and more can easily fit in the cargo bay. You can easily hose out the garage space when you come back home, too, so don’t be afraid to get it dirty!
Traveling For Work
Does your job take you on the road multiple times per month? You can make your travels easier and more comfortable by taking your toy hauler. You can visit worksites and have a place to work and meet with people, along with convenient accommodations to spend the nights in.
Creating a Workspace
If you don’t have room in your house for an office or art studio, you could use the space in your toy hauler for these endeavors. Put up some shelves and set up a desk and you’ve got a convenient place to work.
Stop by our location in Escalon, CA, to take a look at our wide range of new and used toy haulers for sale. Referral Auto Group is proud to be your local toy hauler dealer, serving greater San Francisco and Sacramento, CA.